- Index
- >Innovation
- >The innovation box
- >8. Biocontrol strategies.
- >Offers to companies
Collaborate with research
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Reinforce your R&D team with...
Examples of topics for collaboration
- Develop the molecular test for the screening of PRIs (qPFD® )for n ew cop species.
- Optimize the use of PRIs under production conditions
- Evaluate "sensitinesMD ” on new pathosystéms; test their synergy with PRIs
- Formulate "sensitinesMD ” for seed encapsulation
- Develop scrrening methods for biocontrol products on seeds (antagonistic fungi...)
- Identify active molecules in an extract of natural origin
- Choose the species/varieties to be associated and the way to associate them accordins too the objectives
SUCCESS STORY- Choose the right legume varieties!
Annick Basset |
« The success of crop associations depends not only on the species but also on the varieties chosen. At Jouffray-Drillaud company, we create varieties for targeted uses. Joining our forces with academic research is strategic to the development of our R&D sector. Our collaboration with the partners of Alliance project (CASDAR funds) has allowed us to consolidate and quantify the ecosystem services of several legume varieties that we thought interesting to accompany rapeseed or wheat .In particular, this partnership has made it possible to prove sientifically (UMR Agronomy, UMR AGIR, USC LEVA (ESA-INRA)) that certain varieties of legumes are useful in controlling weeds, while preserving crop yields." |
Training for professionnals
- Biocontrol of microbial and metabolic origin: Use of microorganisms and defense stimulators for plant protection.
- Tailor-made training courses on request
Device for determining or studying the state ofstimulation of the natural defenses of plants or plantparts.
claire.lemontey @ paris.inra.fr
Inhibiting agents of the adaptive response of fungi for the protection of plants against fungalinfections.
Services (in Région Pays de la Loire)
- Test the effectiveness of a PRIs using the qPFD® molecular tool on apple, vine, tomato, potato, wheat
- Assess the biocidal effect of a product by nephelometryand spectrophotometry
- Practical value testing of SDPs on apple orchards (dedicated plots to UEH)
- Identify a seed bio-aggressor and evaluate biocontrolsolutions
- Design optimal mixtures of species or varieties a plot, farm or production basin scale
- Assess the antagonistic power of fungus against a phytopathogenicfungus
- Know the aggressiveness of a microorganism, Assess the impact of a bio-aggressor on germination and emergence
phenotic @ listes.univ-angers.fr
- Obtain strains of bacteria (phytopathogenicor not)
- Getting Insects/Aphids
Bioinsecte @ listes.inra.fr
biopuceron @ listes.inra.fr
Looking for partners?
Two contacts to support your projects:
- Emeline Defossez,
contact to support your R&D projects and put you in touch
- Tanegmart Redjala
Close interface with the laboratoires of the Federative Research Structure "Quasav"