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Objectif végétal : une dynamique partenariale

Separated by coma

Seed internal morphology

  • Detection and measurement of the structure and internal organs of seeds by X-ray imaging.

Example of use:

PeaMUST project (2012-2020)  -  Funded by Programme d’Investissements d’avenir

An analytical protocol is being developed for high-throughput detection of bruche damage on peas and faba beans, by X-ray tomography.

Potential benefit:

Identify very quickly varieties of peas and faba beans that are not very palatable for bruches.



Joël Lépaché



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Looking for partners?

Two contacts to support your projects:


  • Aurore Gautier,

contact to support your R&D projects land to put you through

aurore.gauthier @


  • Tanegmart Redjala,

close interface with the laboratories of the Research Federative Structure Quasav.

tanegmart.redjala @
