- Index
- >Innovation
- >The innovation box
- >4. Innovate thanks to sensory analysis
- >Offers to companies
Examples of topics for collaboration
- Identification of appreciation determinants and consumers’ motivations in diverse products universes. Consumers acceptance of innovations and consumer co-creation.
- For carrot breeding: search for metabolites associated both with resistance to pathogenic agent and sensory quality, search for candidate genes.
- Control of visual qualities of ornamental plants through environmental parameters (nitrogen, hydric stress, quality and intensity of light).
- Influence of cropping practices, quality of raw materials and processes on organoleptic characteristics of products, their typicity and their variability.
- Conception of a tool for grape tasting in order to identify the dates of harvest and choose the type of wine to elaborate.
Strenghten your R&D by recruiting :
- a recent PhD graduate (financial support by CIR)
Also consider recruiting working students (in contract of professionalization or apprenticeship)
Training for enterprises
- Sensory analysis for fruits and vegetable sectors: how to organize more efficient and objective tasting sessions
- Main methods and statistic treatments for wine sensory analysis
- Look at the training catalogue of the École Supérieure d'Agriculture
- Ronan Symoneaux, Head of Lifetime Learning for ESA
Look at the training catalogue :
- Thomas Heitz, Head of Lifetime Learning, Agrocampus Ouest
thomas.heitz @ agrocampus-ouest.fr
- René Siret, Chief Executive Officer, ESA
- Sonia Boucheron, officer for Lifelong learning, Angers University
sonia.boucheron @ univ-angers.fr
or share your needs with us!
Céline Brasse | |
Olivier Dubois |
Looking for partnership?
Four contacts to help you build your projects and support them:
- Céline Brasse,
in charge of Cellule Etudes of GRAPPE research unit.
- Olivier Dubois,
mission head Development Companies and Territories.
- Ronan Symoneaux,
research engineer Sensory analysis.
- Tanegmart Redjala,
close interface with the laboratories of the Research Federative Structure Quasav.