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Objectif végétal : une dynamique partenariale

Plants protect themselves against bioagressors

Plants are able to perceive pests attacks (ranging from fungi and, bacteria and to insects), and set up defence mechanisms like phytoalexins, which are antimicrobial and insecticidal molecules.

plant defence machanisms against pests and pathogenic agents
plant defence machanisms against pests and pathogenic agents


Why do some plants get sick ? A new generation of agricultural inputs

1. Either because the defence molecules are produced in too small quantities or too slowly to be efficient.

  •  PRIs concept (Plant Resistance Inducers). Like a vaccine, elicitors mime the pest attack and force the plant to activate its defences in a temporary way.

First and foremost, elicitors target protection against biotic attacks.

Direct elicitors immediately trigger defence mechanisms, even in the absence of pests.

Potentating elicitors make the plant ready to trigger its defences in case of pest attack.


2. Or because pests are able to tolerate the toxic effect of the defence molecules of the plant.

  • Concept of inhibitor of the adaptative response of pests to the chemical defences of the plant.

As opposed to conventional pesticides, these two kinds of inputs don’t have any direct biocide activity. Thus, their use decreases the emergence of pests resistance mechanisms. The researchers of in Angers have been working for several years on both concepts and are developping  innovative pest control methods to respond to the concerns of the professionals : ensure the efficiency of these products, propose an optimal use under production conditions and counter the adaptative response of pests


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Two contacts to support your projects:


  • Emeline Defossez,

contact to support your R&D projects land to put you through

emeline.defossez @


  • Tanegmart Redjala,

close interface with the laboratories of the Research Federative Structure Quasav.

tanegmart.redjala @
